The Memory of Stone Meditations on the Canyons of the West
Author: Erv Schroeder
Forward by Bill McKibben, Essay by Marcia Bjornerud and Introduction by Simon J. Ortiz
Poems by indigenous writers: Natanya Ann Pulley, Rainy Dawn, Esther G. Belin, Orlando White, and Tacey M. Atsitty
Hardcover: 104 pages, 62 duotones
Publisher: University of New Mexico Press; November 1, 2014
ISBN-10: 0826354866
Dimensions: 9 x 8.7 x 0.6 inches
Available from: University of New Mexico Press, Barnes & Noble or Amazon.
Book Cover
Title Page Spread
Photograph Title: The Memory of Stone
Forward by Bill McKibben
Photograph Title: Time Portal 2
Pages 10 & 11
Photograph Titles: Phantom Facade & Intruder
Pages 12 & 13
Photograph Titles: Firstborn & Time Portal
Time-Denier by Natany Ann Pulley
Photograph Title: Time-Denier
Pages 24 & 25
Photograph Titles: Lot's Wife & Snake Tree
Nascent by Orlando White
Photograph Title: Mark
Pages 52 & 53
Photograph Titles: Alien & Waiting for Prey
Hole Through the Rock by Tacey M. Atsitty
Photograph Title: The Unforgiven
Pages 80 & 81
Catalog of Photographs
Back Cover